Building the economic case for a nature-positive recovery that paves the way for a long-term systemic transformation
This initiative explores how post-pandemic stimulus packages can be deployed in a way that benefits people, planet and prosperity. Our goal is to convince policymakers in Europe that investing in a nature-positive recovery is both feasible and will create economic, societal and environmental benefits. We will do this by:
Building a strong economic case, based on solid data and research to demonstrate that nature-positive policy measures deliver ‘win-winwin’ benefi ts for climate, people and nature, create jobs and build greater resilience for future crises.
Convening, supporting and infl uencing policy-makers at the European Union (EU) level and in European countries to keep nature, climate and people, as well as the circular economy, at the heart of their stimulus packages and recovery plans.
Better connecting existing networks and building a movement of green recovery champions through public mobilization, stakeholder consultation, and targeted media and communications outreach.
The planetary emergency — There is no shortage of evidence that we face social, economic and environmental crises with deeply interconnected causes:
Biodiversity loss : the WWF Living Planet report shows an average 68% decrease in population sizes of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish between 1970 and 2016.
Climate change : the scientific evidence collected by the intergovernmental bodies IPBES and IPCC shows that we are reaching dangerous tipping points on biodiversity and climate change.
Health threats : the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed how our broken relationship with nature may endanger human health.
Increasing numbers of influential voices — including scientists, businesses, civil society and youth movements — are calling for governments to transform our economic and financial systems in a way that deals with these interconnected crises while maintaining standards of living. In short, this is about shaping a green, just, resilient recovery from the pandemic.
More background information here.
Fill the ‘implementation gap’ between the commitments made by the Heads of States that have endorsed the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature (which includes all EU member states except Poland) countries. This project takes an integrated approach:
Top-down policy engagement with the EU Commission and Parliament, and in Ministries of Finance, Economy and Environment at national level.
Bottom-up movement building supported by public participation, amplified media and social media outreach to highlight the leadership of the countries that are moving in the right direction towards a green recovery, showcasing best practices and nature-based solutions projects, and increasing the level of citizens’ engagement in other countries.
This project makes the case that the stimulus packages should lead to the restoration of ecosystems, forests and land, while creating jobs and contributing to a healthy and just economic recovery. More specifically, we are aiming to support the formulation of green recovery plans in EU countries (France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Bulgaria, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, as well as some targeted outreach in Slovenia, Spain and Croatia) to:
Ensure that the nature-based conditions attached to receiving funding from recovery plans are met and increase recovery spending for nature conservation (immediate recovery);
Ensure that nature and environmental sustainability are solidly embedded in the economic rebuild and associated future spending (beyond immediate recovery);
Use current stimulus spending for structural reform in economic or fi nancial systems for more nature and a just transition;
Promote reforms and investments that pave the way for a systemic transformation of the EU’s economy that serves the people and the planet.
With the support of